Have you ever thought, "there must be an easier way of doing this?" Or are you sick of having to use spreadsheet to manage certain aspects of your business?
If so, then a custom-developed add-on might be a great way for you to manage a task in a more time efficient manner, making your job quicker and more productive.
As part of Advent's offering to customers, our software development team works closely with customers to develop add-ons to help streamline their business processes. This may be as simple as a special report or as complex as whole module. As part of the Advent Software Development Department, John, Giuseppe and I are always available to discuss your requirements to see if we can deliver a cost- and time-effective solution to your business.
To date, we have a range of add-ons which have been developed to meet the requirements of customers. These could be of use to other Sage customers. These add-ons include:
- Head Office Invoicing Module
- Calculation of WEEE Charges on Electrical Goods
- Smart Invoicing - Sales Counter Invoicing
- Unique Customer Order Number Checking
- Stock Transfer between Warehouses
- Incremental Second Reference Number on Supplier Invoices
- Fourth Schedule VAT
- Nominal Replication Routine
- Direct Debit Generations
- Sales Analysis Reporting Tool
- Recurring Supplier Invoice Routine
For a more information these add-ons for Sage 200, download the brochure.
If you would like to discuss any of these add-ons or a custom-developed add-on for your Sage 200 software, we would be delighted to hear from you. You can get in touch by phone on: 01-8223 200 or email at: development@advent.ie.