Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Award Nominations

By Sinéad Hayes, Sales & Marketing Manager

October has been a great month for Advent in terms of award nominations.....

We were delighted to have received a nomination from the D15 Chamber in the IT Innovation category. The event was held in the Castleknock Hotel & Country Club earlier this month. We are proud of the software applications that we have developed and were very pleased to receive recognition for our work.

Advent also received a Sage Business Partner of the Year award. We enjoyed a great night in Finnstown House with our colleagues from Sage and were delighted to be presented with our award.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sage 50 Mobile - Something to Shout About!

By Arshad Abdul, Sage 50 Account Manager

I have been selling Sage 50 Accounting software for the past two years
and I c
an honestly say that the new Sage 50 Mobile is the most fantastic
new feature that I have seen. Now you can just download the Sage 50
Mobile App onto an iPhone, iPod Touch or Blackberry device and within
seconds you will have access to your Sage 50 system.

It's very handy for users who are not office based or directors who like to keep a close eye on the business while on the go. The new version in 2011 also allows users to process transactions.

It's not surprising that Sage 50 Mobile was a Silver Medal Winner for “Best in Mobile Innovation” at the Digital Media Awards 2010.

What you can achieve with Sage 50 Mobile while Mobile?

* Dashboards for company performance

* Access to real-time customers and supplier data

* Create Invoices, Sales Orders and Quotations from your iPhone

* View Invoices, Sales Orders and Quotations from your iPhone

* View transactions on customers, suppliers and bank accounts

* Check customer and supplier accounts and activity on the move

* Rapid access to information through 'Favourites'

* Straight-forward to set up and use

* Remote access to important information

* Make decisions quickly based on up-to-date information

Guess what?? You can avail of the above with no extra cost - just make sure you are running Sage 50 Accounts Version 2011 on your PC/network and that you have a compatible mobile device. It really is that simple and is definitely something to shout about!