In an economic downturn, marketing is an essential function of a business in order to drive sales and improve customer interaction. To market your business, products and/or service effectively, you must manage your customers and prospects.
A natural reaction is to cut back all "unnecessary" expenditure and unfortunately, sometimes marketing falls into that category. For a business to survive, and in the longer-term thrive, it is imperative that some marketing function is either put in place if none existed before, or is ramped up to take advantage of any opportunities in your chosen market place.
To manage this marketing activity, we recommend using a CRM software solution. As a leading Sage Business Partner in Ireland, there are a range of CRM solutions from Sage that integrate with your Sage accounts package to help drive your marketing and then your sales fu

To help you get a grip on marketing during a downturn and why you should do it, Sage have published a very interesting white paper. To download and read the white paper, click here or on the thumbnail image to the right. It makes for some compelling reasons to get marketing!
If you would like some help in choosing a CRM solution that suits your business budget and needs, please do not hesitate to contact one of our CRM experts on Tel: 01-8223 200 or sales@advent.ie.
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